Sunday, August 4, 2019


Ahh, Koi. I love koi, and I love my Copic Markers.  This is a poster I purchased a few years back from "Michael's"
I love koi & copics

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Snail Along

Snail Along is the best way too travel. It gives you time to enjoy your surroundings. 
Such a pretty spring picture from a "Michael's" coloring book.  I used Sharpie, Copic markers & Sakura gel pens.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Title Page for "My Colorful Town"

The Simple Things in Life.
"My Colorful Town" by Chiaki Ida. I titled this one, " The Simple Things in Life" I seem to cherish simple things because they bring me the most joy and contentment. A good cup of coffee, the sight and fragrance of fresh cut flowers and yes, a pair of shoes that fit just right. These are the things that spark joy.
I used mainly polychromos, a bit of koi watercolors and a touch of gel pens.

"Vampires" by Jade Summer

"Missing you, My Love"
"Vampires" by Jade Summer. I love her coloring books.  This book doesn't disappoint. I purchased this one from Amazon Prime. I just wish it was printed on better quality paper. Now, I print on heavy card stock. I watched Ann in "A Colorful Life" video on U Tube. She suggested alcohol markers for base and pencils for shading. I love how this one turned out. I used Touch New markers for base, and Prisma color pencils for shading. Before, I was  using pencils and mineral spirits to blend the pencil into the paper. It was a mess and took longer to color. Now, with markers, it's  a lot faster to color. I'll be using this method for coloring on more of my coloring books with  createspace paper. I did mess up her mouth and tried to fix it. I did the best I could. Had to stop because the paper started breaking down. I titled this one "Missing you, My Love" because she seems to regret biting him, and now he's gone.